With Flying Colors
What is at the crossroads, the empty traffic light street, is a situation, an anticipation, a moment in time. The structure around it is waiting for it, a traffic light might still blink in the misty night, mechanically doing its job, but ultimately it is a space waiting for something to happen. A man crosses the zebra crossing, a single car roves through, the sound of commotion pierces the silent trance. This quiet space of potential, the space for animation, this mundane technical assemblage of everyday life, which occupies the interstitial spaces of reality, in betwixt and between, silently watched by these guardians, which cast their gaze in red, green or orange, is filled with quiet rest, and desolate with absence. A space for something to appear, an event to pass. This waiting which is already a moment, a celebratory event, an ecstatic void.
With Flying Colors is a series of sculptures which hold the ambiguous status of signaling objects, alluding to the question of how individuals relate to space and its boundaries, markers and objects. Taking the signpost as the image of guiding life along a beaten path, his work can inspire us to reimagine those and our other boundaries. With the urgency of an emergency vehicle and the joy of fairground rides, they oscillate between crisis and ecstasy.